Having issue with your Dryer? Here, you will find DIY troubleshooting guides for your Dryer to fix it yourself.
History of Dryers
Dryers first emerged in England in the late 18th and 19th century. In its early stages, dryers were called ‘ventilators’. The methodology at first was to use the ventilators over open fires.
However, it didn’t prove to be very useful, as the clothes would get dirty and smell of smoke.
As time went on, the dryers went through many modifications. As now these machines used a stove to warm up the clothes. Later on, electric and gas models were produced. J. Ross Moore was the inventor of this design.
After many setbacks, he finally had a deal with the Hamilton Manufacturing Company for the production of automatic dryers.
With the passage of time, dryers were improved in almost every way. Components such as timer and temperature controller were added to the dryers to improve their efficiency.
How Dryers Works?
A dryer has to produce heat in order to dry the clothes. It can be done via electricity or gas. The dryers that use electricity for this purpose have heating coils that are heated by electric current. This heat is transferred to air and then directed with the use of a fan/blower.
In the case of gas using dryers, a pilot light ignites the gas resulting in heat being produced. The metal plates transfer heat into the air and then a blower/fan directs this heat.
The air enters the dryers through vents and are circulated inside the dryer with the use of fans/blowers. This air is very useful for the process of drying the clothes. Thermostats is also an essential component of every dryer.
This is the basic methodology of every clothes dryer.